This web-site is about some of the adventures that I’ve had with friends at locations where there’s an Outdoor Inns lodge. More about them at At the moment, all of the lodges are located at pubs so that’s me sorted, a combination of walking, history, pubs, beer and nearby accommodation   🙂

I organise trips for the Ramblers and other groups, here’s more about that.

And my top five things to do at the Crossings and the Green Man, two sites where there is an Outdoor Inns lodge.

Last, but not least, the excitement of microadventures! And there’s more about me at where you can have the ‘riveting read’ of my brave 100 mile LDWA walk, random adventures around the country and lots of pub and beer reviews. I don’t take much seriously in life, but with beer that’s a different matter…… On which point, my Untappd link is and I’m always looking for new beer friends  🙂